Korean Startup ‘Fluenty’ Launched TALKEY, A Reply Suggestion AI for Smartwatches
2015년 11월 03일

스크린샷 2015-11-03 오후 1.04.30

November 5th, 2015 (Seoul, Republic of Korea) – A study last fall from Tecmark reported that the average smartphone owner checks their phone 221 times per day. The promise of devices like smartwatches is to reduce the number of those engagements.

A new mobile app aims to simplifying replies to text messages, one of the most commonly used features of smartphones. TALKEY allows users to keep their smartphones in their pockets by suggesting possible replies to incoming SMS and issuing them. The application is now available for download on Google Play.

For example, if a message said, “Still up for lunch?” TALKEY would suggest natural replies such as “Sure!”, “Lunch sounds good.”, “You buying?”, and “Sorry, I forgot.” Users can simply send a reply by tapping on one of the options or speaking directly into their smartwatch.

The TALKEY AI applies natural language understanding (NLU) cultivated from over 400 million social media conversations to recommend reply candidates. The platform understands and predicts reply texts using machine learning technology.

“Smartwatches need a totally new input interface as keyboards are not an option,” said Kanghak Kim, CEO of Fluenty. “We found that users feel odd having to reply on voice recognition alone. TALKEY helps them keep their phones where they belong: in their pockets.”

Fluenty holds ten patents for adaptive input interfaces and conversational data processing. The company has been selected as a company-in-residence at Google Campus Seoul, the third Google Campus in the world. Fluenty has also been part of Basis Technology’s startup program. This partnership provides industry-leading natural language processing (NLP) technology that supports over 40 languages.

* Please check out more about new tech products from Korea at "beginning" system.

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