New Business Networking Event In Seoul, Real Connections for Real Business, No Booze Needed
2014년 02월 20일

Business Network Korea - Logo

Business Network Korea (BNK) is a flourishing business community in Seoul. Both Korean and foreign professionals who join their events operate under the simple philosophy of connecting for mutual business interest, with a particular focus on entrepreneurs and SMEs. Attendees have been finding high value through the events, which help young companies in Korea / Asia build a greater presence through collaboration.

About BNK events:

BNK events feature a "Speed Networking" session, which aims to connect all attendees face to face for a maximum of 2 minutes. This is an opportunity to give your “elevator pitch” and exchange business cards in order to build your business network.

The events also feature a presentation from a professional speaker, which are focused on given business discipline in Asia. The speaker sessions will illuminate attendees' perceptions of business opportunities in Asia and assist in forging better business success in the region.

In addition, prizes and special offers will supplied by the event sponsors, including Uber, COEx, beSUCCESS and others. These can range from theater tickets and Coex memberships, to free business services such as CEO consultancy and online marketing.

To top everything off here there will be an open networking session where attendees can mingle with people they were not able to meet during the speed networking sessions.

The events are inclusive of light refreshments.

If you are serious about getting upwards of 50 - 100 new business connections in one afternoon then BNK is a great choice for your Saturday afternoon, every 2 months.

Don't for get to bring 100 business cards with you.

For Koreans:

Business Network Korea는 비즈니스를 위한 한국인과 외국인의 만남을 주선합니다. 코엑스에서 열리는 다가오는 Meetup에 오셔서 여러분과 같은 뜻을 지닌 사람들을 만나시길 바랍니다. 본 네트워킹 행사는 영어로 진행됩니다.

Date: Saturday 22nd February 2014, 2pm - 5pm
Location: Coex Meeting Hall E5 (3rd Floor Coex – Artium area)
Registration: Either prepayed (recommended) or cash at the door
Fee on the door: 30,000 KRW (cash only) at the door with or without RSVP
Fee in advance: 20,000 KRW bank transfer (details below)

Advance Payment:
Bank Name: Woori Bank
Account Name: World Markets (McLeod Justin Raymon)
Account Number: 1005-102-318996
Reference for bank deposits: (YOUR NAME)
Bank transfers MUST be processed 12 hours prior to the event start time and date.


How to get to the BNK Meetup

Just click on the links below

Subway (We recommend Line 2, Samseong Station Exit 5)

Bus (Meeting Rooms are closest to the East Gate)

Car (Meeting Rooms are closest to Gate 5)

Make your way to the third floor of the Coex Trade Show Artium (above the mall)

Directions to meeting rooms (Download PDF here)

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World Markets

Artam Consultancy

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