Shakr Drives Down Prices in Automotive Advertising
2014년 04월 28일

Digital Video Ads Created in 20 Minutes, and for $50. This promise from Shakr Media, the Korean startup that is dedicated to re-imagining everything to video, is ready to rev up local auto dealer advertisements. The company, which has demonstrated a dedication to 'going global' by setting up offices in San Fransisco, today announced that it has added nearly a dozen video advertising styles for auto dealers to its drag-and-drop simple video creation solution.

"Auto dealers know the benefits of using video, but high production costs have limited the number of video advertisements they could make," said David Lee, founder and CEO of Shakr Media. "Our video ads for auto dealers cost about $50, so now dealers can make high quality video ads for every car on the lot."

Drag-and-Drop Simple Video Ad Creation

Shakr has paired more than 100 video styles, covering a variety of industries and interests, with an easy-to-use video creation tool. With its newest video styles, the company promises that auto dealers can create professional-quality video advertisements in about 20 minutes, by dragging and dropping ordinary photos or video clips into Shakr video styles. Dealers can preview the video advertisements before they pay.

After they have created videos, auto dealers can upload them to video sharing sites like YouTube, embed them on their websites, email them to customers, or play them on TVs in their showrooms. The ads are HD quality, so they can even be broadcast as television advertisements.

Challenges in the Auto Industry

The auto industry is already the third largest spender on online advertising, according to the 2013 IAB/PwC Internet Ad Revenue Report. Despite this, many independent dealers are late to adopting online video advertising because they tend to rely on local TV stations to produce ads for them. To leverage digital video advertising, auto dealers need an affordable way to create high-quality videos.

An Unrealized Opportunity

Americans watched nearly 29 billion video ads online in March 2014, according to ComScore. Currently, most of those ads are being run by large corporations with equally large marketing budgets. By providing an affordable way to create video ads, Shakr is evening the playing field for small businesses.

Find out more by visiting Shakr Media here

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