Startup Asia Returns To Singapore May 7 and 8 2014
2014년 03월 13일

Following the success of TechInAsia's previous Startup Asia event held in Jakarta last November,, Asia’s largest English-language technology and startup blog in Asia, is gearing up for another round of conference with Startup Asia Singapore 2014. The event will be held May 7-8, right in the heart of Biopolis, Singapore’s deep tech research center.

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Startup Asia Singapore 2014 will feature, as seen at last year’s Jakarta event, a conference, a Startup Arena pitching competition, a Hackathon, a Startup and Investor speed dating session. It will also feature two new highlights: Meet the Bloggers and Market Expansion Tracks.

On the pitching contest, Startup Arena, both seed and growth-stage startups will be accepted and will compete together on day one. About 10 to 15 startups will eventually take to the stage to compete for USD 10,000 in cash. The latest submission for the Startup Arena is March 31, 2014.

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In the same Startup Asia Singapore 2014 conference, Tech in Asia is simultaneously running a 24-hour hackathon which will see over 200 developers building products with APIs and SDKs from a large number of partner companies. The list of APIs and SDKs will be announced soon.

Tech in Asia is very privileged to have as the Guest of Honour, Singapore Minister of State Teo Ser Luck. MOS Teo has been extremely involved in championing entrepreneurship in Singapore and is the perfect person to help kick off Day One of the conference.

A few other highly respected names have also agreed to speak and they include Dave Morin (founder and CEO of Path), Min-Liang Tan (founder and CEO of Razer), and Razmig Hovaghimian (co-founder and CEO of ViKi). Attendees can look forward to hearing about their experiences and thoughts about the future. Find out more about the speakers line up here.

A special early bird discount is now available for purchase and the events team has a great offer for beSUCCESS readers! With this unique code <discount20besuccess>, you can purchase a full event ticket with a 20% discount, until the end of March.

For more information and updates on the event, visit the official conference website at

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About Tech in Asia: Tech in Asia is an online technology news startup based in Asia, with team members all across the region. As a crew of journalists and bloggers with a passion for new ways of delivering news, we’ve bonded together under one goal - to create a great Asia-focused tech news site to tell the world about the wonderful things that are happening here.

About Startup Asia: Startup Asia is Tech in Asia’s signature 2-day conference organized for entrepreneurs, investors, media, and friends in the technology and startup community across Asia. Previous speakers include speakers from Taobao, KakaoTalk, Twitter, Airbnb, Tencent, Opera, Rocket Internet, GREE, K Cube Ventures, Rakuten, Viber, and more.

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