Korea’s No. 1 Tech Startup Event From beSUCCESS is Open! Join beLAUNCH 2014, May 14-15 2014 in Seoul
2014년 01월 24일

beSUCCESS, Korean startup media organization, events organizer, and global connector is happy to officially announce that their flagship startup event, beLAUNCH, is back in 2014 in a year that is already heating up to be one of the most promising for Korean, Asian, and Global entrepreneurship. The event will be held May 14 – 15 at the brand new Dongdaemun Design Plaza in the heart of Seoul. In addition, this year there will be a full program of ‘beLAUNCH X’ events during ‘beLAUNCH Week’. The organizers stated that this will allow other organizations in startup ecosystem to leverage beLAUNCH as a platform to promote their brand, and engage with target tech market.

Korean entrepreneurs enjoyed the most successful year ever in 2013, and enormous support was made available from both the private and public sector to support the boom. “Entrepreneurship in Korea has never been stronger and we are excited to be a part of it through beLAUNCH, to discover great startups and discover the tech trends that will affect the next 12 months and beyond,” stated John Nahm who runs Strong Ventures, a VC fund based out of LA that was an early investor in beSUCCESS.

beSUCCESS’ CEO James Jung added that “the number of startups formed in 2013 in Korea has increased dramatically from 2012 and this trend will continue. Also, many of the top graduates are now choosing the opportunity of startups over the predictability of a corporate career. These new Asian entrepreneurs will consolidate on gains made over the last 12 months and reach out even further into the global market, and we have created a platform to make that a reality, and connect them to the people who can make a difference to their businesses.” beLAUNCH is now positioned as one of the most prominent events for Asian entrepreneurship, with a global vision to unite entrepreneurship East and West. And more than a conference, the organizers have designed the event as a ‘startup festival’ where serious discussions are woven together with exciting networking opportunities, both in and around the event.

While full details of the speaker line-up are still to be released beSUCCESS Global Director Nathan Millard is confident that this year will feature even more of the world’s greatest entrepreneurial minds than in 2013. Part of this optimism is based on recent success in positioning the company as a global startup brand. “We held a fantastic event in Silicon Valley last September, beGLOBAL, which aimed at opening a discussion about global entrepreneurship and this has raised the profile of beSUCCESS as the main bridge between Asia and Silicon Valley. Since the event we have been approached by some of the most prominent entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley who are interested in joining us in Seoul” Millard said.

More about beLAUNCH 2014: In 2013 beLAUNCH attracted over 1,750 attendees. The event was featured in over 70 articles in Korea and overseas, and was attended by 63 speakers, many of whom came from Silicon Valley. In 2014 the organizers expect over 3,000 attendees and thanks to the larger venue will increase the number of startup showcase booths from 60 to 100. The top 20 teams will showcase on the main stage in front of a panel of top global VCs. There is also space reserved for up to 15 corporate booths, allowing SMEs and large enterprises to showcase their products and services to the tech-centric audience. More than 300 investors are also expected to attend from over 40 countries, proving that the event will be a key Asian platform to discover regional tech trends, secure investments, and instigate global business deals. For event tickets and to book a startup booth please see our event registration page here, and for all other enquiries contact Global Director, Nathan Millard on nathan@besuccess.com.

  • beLAUNCH teaser video here
  • beLAUNCH website here

More about beSUCCESS: Founded in 2012 beSUCCESS connects Korean and Asian entrepreneurs to the people and resources around the world that can help them succeed. This is achieved through their media channels in English and Korean, and through a number of offline events and meetups, including their flagship beLAUNCH event in Seoul, beGLOBAL which is scheduled for later this year in Silicon Valley and Tokyo, and their monthly ‘Inside The Founders’ event that was set up to determine the DNA of success for tech entrepreneurs.

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beSUCCESS is a professional media company with a particular focus on startups and tech industry | beSUCCESS는 국내 기업의 해외 진출을 지원하는 미디어 회사로, 실리콘밸리를 포함한 전세계 테크 트렌드와 스타트업 뉴스, 기업가 정신 등 국내 스타트업의 인사이트 확대를 위해 필요한 외신 정보를 직·간접적으로 제공할 뿐만 아니라, 한국의 스타트업 생태계와 출시 소식 등 주요 뉴스를 영문으로 세계 각국에 제공해 한국 스타트업의 글로벌 성공을 지원하는 '연결'의 역할을 합니다.
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