Interview with Danny Oei Wirianto: Creating value and growth together
2012년 04월 09일

Danny Oei Wirianto is the chairman of Merah Puth Incubator, Indonesia’s first tech and digital incubator. He is also the Co-founder at MindTalk, Evangelist at Kaskus Networks, Founder and Partner at Klix Digital, and CEO at SemutApi Colony. As a successful CEO of a lot of companies and also an investor, he shared his stories to beSUCCESS readers, showing his passions for helping as many business colleagues as possible and create values with them.

April 12th Last Date to Apply for The Bees Awards, the First International Social Media Marketing Awards
2012년 04월 05일

The Bees Awards is the first international social media competition honoring communication and marketing professionals. In its 3rd year, The Bees Awards have increased the number of categories to 26 .

Amazon Web Services Launches “The Lean Cloud” Program for Start-Ups in Asia Pacific
2012년 04월 03일

Program brings the AWS Cloud to the ecosystem of start-ups, venture capitalists, business incubators to help start-ups accelerate their business Amazon Web Services (AWS) launches its regional “The Lean Cloud” program at the Australian Technology Park (ATP) in Sydney, Australia on Tuesday, April 3, 2012. Dr Werner Vogels, Chief Technology Officer of Amazon, will be delivering an opening keynote on how aspiring start-ups can use AWS Cloud to power a lean lifecycle…

Interview with Hugh Mason : Yesterday’s founders become tomorrow’s investors (part 2)
2012년 04월 03일

Hugh Mason is a successful entrepreneur, mentor and investor who was born in the UK and now living in Singapore as JFDI.Asia’s CEO. This week, beSUCCESS had a great opportunity to listen to the background stories about JFDI.Asia and his interest toward Asian start-up scene.

Meet the Eleven Gaming Related Startups Chosen by Microsoft’s Kinect Accelerator
2012년 04월 03일

Microsoft has announced the startups that will be taking part in the Kinect Accelerator 2012. The Kinect Accelerator is a Microsoft Accelerator powered by TechStars, leveraging the successful TechStars model.

Study: Influence and Impact of Social Sharing on Consumer Purchase
2012년 04월 02일

According to a recently released consumer research study, social sharing is as helpful as Google search when it comes to shopping. The survey, conducted between January 15 and February 8, 2012, looked into the minds of online shoppers to reveal how they view social sharing and how it fits into their shopping and purchase decision making process.

Interview with Hugh Mason : Yesterday’s founders become tomorrow’s investors (part 1)
2012년 04월 02일

Hugh Mason is a successful entrepreneur, mentor and investor who was born in the UK and now living in Singapore as JFDI.Asia’s CEO. This week, beSUCCESS had a great opportunity to listen to the background stories about JFDI.Asia and his interest toward Asian start-up scene.

Because my wife and children, founded an excuse to give up the thing
2011년 05월 17일

  Would you introduce yourself to OnSuccess readers and share your thoughts on Korea? Sure, James. Hello everyone, my name is Erick Arndt. I am the founder of TimeshareJuice, a website to exchange timeshares for free. TimeshareJuice is a platform for the global trading of over 6 million timeshares around the world. I am happily married with 4 children living in southern California (a truly great place to live). I recently had…

23 years old, and my beautiful baby daughter, became an instrument of entrepreneurship
2011년 05월 17일

Would you please say “Hello” to OnSuccess readers and your feelings about korea? Hi! I’ve never visited Korea but I definitely would like to one day – I see it as a vibrant, colourful and inspiring place! What is your background story before running a company? Any career path? Major? I completed my university degree in Journalism before spending some time living and travelling in the UK and Europe. I returned to…

Perfume Shop CEO Jason Apfel
2011년 05월 17일

Would you introduce yourself to OnSuccess readers and share your thoughts on Korea? Hi my name is Jason Apfel and I am the founder and President of! I am a native American and I live and work in Long Island, New York.  Although I don’t know much about Korea, I am inspired by a country with a forward thinking culture, a fast economic growth and a love of technology!  Keep it…

Co-author of Secret, Loral Langemeier
2011년 05월 17일

Loral Langemeier, CEO/Founder of Live Out Loud, international speaker, money expert and best-selling author of the Millionaire Maker 3-book series and Put More Cash In Your Pocket. Would you introduce yourself to OnSuccess readers and share your thoughts on Korea? I have learned that Korea has boundless natural resources and rich cultural wonders. Since the 1960s, when South Korea underwent such immense economic changes, the Korean people have steadily risen to…

Koreans Women’s clothing stores 4.7 billion from the successful sales in New York-CEO, Kay Lee
2011년 05월 17일

Would you please say “Hello” to south korean young entrepreneurs & OnSuccess? and what’s your feelings about korea? Hello from New York!! Don’t know what to say first…. I am not a native American and but also as well as not a good Korean communicator and writing is bad too because English is not my first language and I can’t type in Korean either… but I will do my best. What is…

26 years old, The Challenge of the Evidence-Eriko Yamaguchi
2011년 05월 17일

Would you please say “Hello” to south korean young entrepreneurs and your feelings about korea? Hello, Korean readers. My feeling toward Korea is only one memory when I visit Soul when I was just 5 years old. But honestly I don’t remember much. However, I have met lot of Korean customers in our shops in Japan and some time I met Korean students in my lecture in university. Everyone having my book…

Raj Lahoti, CEO of onlineGURU
2011년 05월 17일

Would you please say “hello” to south korean young entrepreneurs and your feeling about korea? Annyong haseyo! I’m very excited to be a part of this Interview and would like to thank James for thinking of me to share my story with other young entrepreneurs and those aspiring to be entrepreneurs. Although I don’t know MUCH about the country of South Korea, growing up, many of my best friends were Korean and…

Founder of KathrynKerrigan.com_Big Size Shoes Shoppingmall
2011년 05월 17일

Would you please say “hello” to South Korean young entrepreneurs and your feeling about Korea? Of course I say hello, and I wish the best of luck to all young entrepreneurs worldwide! What inspired you to start Kathryn Kerrigan, Inc? I was tired of finding very few options for my size 11 feet.  Just like many other women, I love beautiful footwear!  Unfortunately, many brands do not carry larger sizes.  I decided…

Breaking the Corporate Perception-PR Seen as Cost Centers
2011년 05월 17일

“The cost of acquiring or enlisting professional PR assistance is minute as compared to the goodwill it brings to the company’s most valuable asset – The Brand.” – Suryanto Gobeawan It is a cold hard fact that many corporations these days still view PR as a cost center. This phenomenon could be observed throughout the globe, across different cultures. No doubt that internally, PR is not a “daily money-spinner” department which directly…

Growth Strategies for Businesses
2011년 05월 17일

    Growing your business can be a difficult and often frustrating process. No matter how talented, experienced, or proficient you are as a leader, business development may be draining your energy, funds, and desire to achieve the original plans you had for your company.  Yet growing your business is a critical step in maximizing your company’s potential and in revenue enhancement. So how do you achieve success?  You need a growth…

Mentoring: A Little Help Goes a Long Way
2011년 05월 17일

Mentoring programs offer companies an efficient and economical way to manage and develop human assets. A mentor can transform an average employee into an exceptional leader. A mentor can guide an up-and-coming leader through the maze of leadership skill acquisition. A mentor can even improve the production levels of low-performers. A mentor cannot, however, make an individual want to excel. Nor can a mentor simultaneously boost employee production and groom powerful leaders….

John T. Meyer, Businessweek’s Top 25 Entrepreneurs Under 25
2011년 05월 17일

  Hi John, would you please introduce yourself and to Korea readers? My name is John T. Meyer and I’m the co-founder and Chief Creative Officer at 9 Clouds. 9 Clouds is a social marketing firm that improves business through digital literacy. We specialize in online strategy, monitoring, and social media management. and John, What makes you to start your own business with your brother? I was working a big corporate job… CEO Todd interview
2011년 05월 17일

Q1. Hello Todd, Would you please introduce yourself(background stories, etc) to Korean OnSuccess readers and share your thoughts on Korea? First of all, thanks for the interview James and being interested in what I might have to say I’m 29, married, and I live in Boston, Massachusetts. I have been a web designer/developer since about 18 years old and I love building stuff online. What is exciting for me about building a…